Total APP fraud losses are projected to hit $7.6 billion by 2028, yet financial institutions recover only 5% of stolen funds. The impact is devastating—not just for society but for customer trust, with one in four victims leaving their bank after experiencing fraud.
Salv Bridge connects fincrime teams across the industry to share real-time intelligence on suspected fraud. By acting on suspicion rather than waiting until fraud is confirmed, stolen funds can be traced as they move across the financial system, and APP fraud cases can be stopped in their tracks.
In this brochure, you’ll learn:
How Salv Bridge stops APP fraud in its tracks through real-time intelligence sharing and secure communication
How it works, including raising suspicion, collaborative investigations, and freezing stolen funds
Proven results, including Salv Bridge’s 90% true positive alert rate and companies that have raised their fraud recovery rates to 80%
How to join the next Salv Bridge cohort and begin testing intelligence sharing